Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spammed poetry

I received an interestingly odd e-mail at work today. It was basically a spam message with an investment opportunity embedded in a randomly generated set of words. Somehow, the words seemed strangely poetic. I guess we humans try to find meaning in the truly arbitrary. You decide (punctuation mine):
Avoidable Lottery
Revive as trait, personal sarcasm confers uppity. liberally crime—-a persuasiveness—-and Polaroid bronco. Argument school as concentric sleeping bag. A gynecologist snowman is cocoa riddled with justification tabulation, indescribably of unprepared wire, to a wrongly bleached awkward hilarity. The diversion, insipid, owe on pedagogy, a forcibly slog was curry powder scrooge, and topsy-turvy a lifesaver congratulates as tonic water on us... reliant is grill that rat race of powder was that drudge to itself.

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