- Where once the U.S. was a nation of laws that applied, more or less, equally to all, we now have a nation where the cronies of G.W. Bush (read Scooter Libby) have their criminal sentences commuted or dismissed - it's great that we have a double standard that applies to G.W. and his ilk!
- Where once the U.S. was respected by most countries around the world because it upheld the Geneva Conventions and worked as a true partner, we now face scorn from even our closest allies because of our unilateral disregard for the Kyoto Protocals, our incursion into Iraq, and our waterboarding and other "not really torture" methods at Guantonamo Bay and Abu Grabe. Thank you, W. and company!
- Where once (read at the end of President Clinton's term) the U.S. was on its way to balancing a budget and having an actual surplus, we now face a national debt of several TRILLIONS of dollars.
- Where once there was a fairly distinct line separating church and state that allowed most people freedom of and from religion based on their individual beliefs, we now have a system of faith-based initiatives and further church-state erosions that give a distinct impression that evangelical Christianity is unofficially the official religion of the U.S. - people of many diverse faiths or none at all are now forced through taxation to underwrite evangelical Christians' religious activities.
- Where once the scientific acumen of the U.S. was second to none, we now face funding cuts and assaults on true science from advocates of the belief (not theory) of Intelligent Design.
- Where once we had three branches of government with an elaborate check and balance system, we now have a Decider-in-Chief who apparently has no regard for either the Legislatve Branch nor the Judicial Branch, as well as an extremely secretive vice president who claims accountability to none becaues he's not officially part of the Executive Branch.
- Where once we had the protection of habeus corpus to ensure fair treatment, we now have the potential to have that suspended if someone in the government even thinks you might have some vague tie to some "enemy combatant".
- Where once the U.S. was moving on a track to become an environmentally responsible world citizen, we now have taken a backward step, perhaps 40 years, via repealed or more lax environmental policies, partly because the administration still doesn't believe the more than 95% of real scientists who say global warming is reality and is not a good thing.
- Where once we had a media corps that actually questioned the veracity and motives of the government and corporate sectors, we now have a "fair and balanced" corporate media arm that pushes the agenda of its owner Rupert Murdoch and engages in what can only be called smear tactics of candidates not marching to its far-right conservative bent.
Okay, it's not all doom and gloom; we have made strides in equity for various minorities based on race, gender, and sexual orientation. And don't forget that we have the iPhone! But we DO have our work cut out for us. Let's get going, America. Happy Independence Day!
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