Monday, June 13, 2005

Now maybe we can expect some REAL news...

Now that yet another celebrity trial is over with the "not guilty" verdict in the Michael Jackson case, perhaps we can expect some real news on our networks. Oh, yeah, I forgot, this is the American media we are talking about. There'll be plenty of runaway brides, missing white children, shocking celebrity break-ups and other non-items to cover.

Wait, wait, wait, now maybe we can get some news of how the war in Iraq is actually going. Nope. Expect more of what's on 'king W.'s iPod, who Paris Hilton has on her cell phone call list, and the latest person to get a phone thrown at them by Russell Crowe.

Hold on, you mean we won't get to hear how our allies in Europe are reacting to our latest foreign policy moves? Probably not, but we may be exposed to some unfounded gossip about how Hilary Clinton may be a lesbian (don't expect to hear about anything she's accomplished in Congress). Or maybe that 'king W. sometimes talks baby talk to the First dog.

How about some balanced coverage on who "Deep Throat" was and why it's even relevent? Nope. But maybe we can hear why his famous whistle blowing was "unethical" from some right-wing pundits who were tried and convicted for their involvement in Watergate (but the media conveniently won't give your their backstories because it nullifies anything they'd say).

Nichts. Nil. Nada. Nothing. Oh wait, what's that? A ray of hope? Nope, it's just that crazy Courtney Love acting out again! Wow! That really helps me understand the socio-economic struggle of the lower middle class.

Since most of us don't get BBC America on our cable selection, I guess the best that we can hope for is to keep watching The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I actually do get some vital information by watching the fake news. And I do read the newspaper everyday, but that's a whole other entry waiting to happen.

Nightly news? Today Show? Even CNN? They give us all the infotainment we really need. After all, the whole world just loves us Americans, so why should we bother learning anything about the rest of the world... After all, the "president" doesn't read newspapers, so news must not be that important, right? I can't wait to see what celebrity is found "not guilty" next time.


Cameron Brauer said...
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Cameron Brauer said...

Precisely why I get all the news that is news from

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