Monday, October 16, 2006

Countdown to 40...

T-minus 9 days and counting and yours truly will turn the big 4-0. I can't say I'll be able to make an entry each day before then, so I'll offer this as the first installment in a series of personal revelations.

I am only days away from being a forty-year-old man and...
...I still read super hero comic books and watch cartoons.
...the kind of car I drive means nothing to me, as long as it works.
...I don't have a bald spot on the top of my head yet.
...$50 is a lot of money to me. of my favorite foods is still pizza.
...opening a new CD and listenting to it is important.
...I'm not sad that I don't have any children. for the next 10-20 years will be considered "middle age".
...I'm in better physical condition than when I was 25 thanks to lifting weights (but I could still stand to lose 10-20 pounds). brother and sisters are all in their mid-50s.
...1982's "Tainted Love" is still my all-time favorite song.
...I'm glad I'm not a high schooler in today's world.
...even though I believe in God, I believe there should be a VERY STRICT separation between church and state.
...I still haven't found what I'm looking for (okay, U2 said it better). expectation is that I will never be able to afford to retire.
...I'm still waiting for that special someone.

More to come (maybe).


Cameron Brauer said...

Yay! I *heart* asvec. Sounds like you're living the dream, my friend.

PS - My friends have begun calling me "grandpa moses". Help?

Anonymous said...

This is my first blog response! How's it going Cam?
Good to "read" from you!
Happy 40th to Andrewski!!!
We miss you guys!

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