Whoah! Where does the time go? Tomorrow is August 1. It's been a blur! Wasn't it just a few days ago that it was May 1, and shortly before that, January 1? I'm told that the older you get, the faster time seems to pass because your relative experience is greater than that of, say, a five-year-old. I guess I see that. Summers used to seem to last almost forever.
Lately, work has been intense, and that's seemed to cause the days and weeks to fly past even more quickly.
This past weekend I sort of just crashed. Slept a lot on Saturday, even more on Sunday. Maybe the heat also contributed to it all, but it felt like I almost had no weekend at all. Maybe if I had had a reason to go out and actually do something it would have helped. On Saturday night I was invited out to see a local band with some friends from work, but I just wasn't up to socializing that night.
I guess I just need some more people in my life at the moment. I'm going camping this weekend with my good friend Karl, who's more like a brother, and some others. That should be fun, except for the 8 hours I'll spend on the road to and from the campsite. I'm really tired of living alone.
Andrew M. Svec's Planet X isn't x-rated or anything...just a compilation of thoughts and opinions on life and stuff. Warning: Reading may induce drowsiness or insomnia. Your results may vary. The writing in this blog is not guaranteed to be coherent or even readable. Typos are distinctly possible.
Monday, July 31, 2006
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