The band's name is Muse, and they're from the U.K. Their new video for a song called "Knights of Cydonia" is the best post-apocalyptic sci-fi kung-fu cowboy video I've seen this year. If they made it into a TV series, I'D WATCH IT RELIGIOUSLY. Now I know on first mention you might not think these things go together, but I gotta tell you they do--perfectly. From the opening sequence showing a mustachioed rider galloping past a desert landscape featuring the Statue of Libery a la the Planet of the Apes to our hero's kung-fu training moves sequence to the holographic juke box to the damsel in distress's Buck Rogers space uniform and rayguns, this one has it all. There's even a unicorn!

To top it off, the song plays like a six-minute soundtrack to the 1970's version of Flash Gordon - complete with killer-Queen guitar riffs. The end roll credits "Production Finance Services by Euro Ballistic Rockets & Aerospace FilmCo, LTD." How utterly appropriate. What else could come from an album named "Black Holes and Revelations"?
Watch it here.Check out
www.muse.mu for more information.

Note: stills are screen captures from video! Check it out, buy the CD!
I wanna be a cowboy!
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