Wow, what an eye-opener! I just read that Exxon Mobil Corp. and ConocoPhillips, two of the biggest of Big Oil, have raked in their biggest profits in history! Exxon Mobil's profits were up 75% and ConocoPhillips' profits were up 89%. Hey, at least someone got something out of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita!
It's hard not to somehow feel taken advantage of, however--personally and collectively as part of the Middle Class (not to metion those who have even less than the Middle Class). It's just kind of hard to take when we hear of things like pensions being cut or frozen for workers at General Motors, like hurricane-displaced people struggling to make ends meet, and like the big cuts in health care programs for the poor and elderly. Oh, you didn't hear that the Senate Finance Committee's 11 Republicans outvoted the 9 Democrats to cut MediCare and MedicAid by $10 billion? Who says Republicans aren't compassionate conservatives?
I understand that natural gas prices are expected to increase 30-50% for this coming winter. Yeah, more profits for the energy companies! You'd think with such historic profit margins, they could cut us all a break. So much for all Americans pulling together in times of trouble. Oh, yeah, that's not an American ideal, that's either more of an ideal for the poor and/or socialists. Here in America, it's everyone for himself, Big Oil not excluded, eh?
Andrew M. Svec's Planet X isn't x-rated or anything...just a compilation of thoughts and opinions on life and stuff. Warning: Reading may induce drowsiness or insomnia. Your results may vary. The writing in this blog is not guaranteed to be coherent or even readable. Typos are distinctly possible.
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I'd like to see alternative fuels developed and marketed by independent companies(not the oil companies) subsidized by the govt if necessary..leave the oil companies out in the cold so they can sell teir products to China Etc.Bar them from participation in the new market and give them the middle finger..
*Quietly steps back to give Andrew some space*
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