Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Goodbye 2004 (and good riddance)

Those who know me well know that this was a very difficult year for me. It was tough right from the start with the departure of some dear friends; it came to a head with a work situation where, if I had chosen to stay, I would have lost my soul and any shred of self-respect (interesting how the style of your supervisor can make your life heavenly or hellish); and to add insult to injury, it was exacerbated by my achingly vast disappointment in the results of election day 2004 (I still don't know how that happened). I don't want to go into it all and end up whinin' and wallowin', so I'll just say it certainly wasn't the best year ever.

As far as I can tell, about two good things came out of 2004: 1) a challenging new job I really like with great people to work with, and 2) a significantly large amount of good new music. Maybe I'd add a third thing: the support of all my true friends. I guess a year of adversity really does let you know who those true friends are.

Anyway, not long ago I came across a song, "New Lang Syne" by Jim's Big Ego. It seemed to sum up nicely my feelings about the year: "Some things really kicked our ass...thank God it's over!" (check it out at

So, goodbye 2004, and good riddance. I look forward to 2005 and the promise of a much, much, much better year!

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